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Astrid Jasmine
Figure skating
Astrid Jasmine grow up in Torino, Italy, and lives since 10 years in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.
She was a competitive skater in Italy.
Figure Skating is her true passion in life.
Astrid gives, as independent coach, figure skating lessons in Saas-Fee.

Our Annual Ice Gala is organized
in collaboration with
Rémy Le Goff
Technical Director and Committee member at ISC BRIG
Rémy Le Goff, is a certified figure skating coach (diplômé d'Etat) since 2010.
Rémy has been formed by Jean-François Ballester, a reknowed French Figure Skating coach that brought to the Olympics Brunot Massot and Aliona Savechenko, in Caen, France.
Rémy trained since the beginning of his coaching career a number of skaters to a very high level of figure skating, enabling them to participate to the highest level of competitions (national and european championships, international competitions under the ISU standards).
Rémy established in 2021 the first Figure Skating Club in Oberwallis, the ISC Brig (Ice Skating Club Brig), which is part of the ARP (Association Romande de Patinage) and AVP (Association Valaisanne de Patinage) and the SEV (Schweizerischer Eislaufverband).
Remy's Club in Brig is thus able to prepare young athletes for high level competitions, both national and international.
We have the unique opportunity to work with Rémy and involve him and his advanced skaters for the organisation of the ICE PEARL Ice Galas in Saas-Fee.

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